5 Steps To Rock Your Portrait Session.

You’ve just booked your portrait session or wedding photographer and then it hits you…. you hate having your photo taken. Actually you always end up making that really awkward face… or you have a husband like I do that gives the thumbs up on 80% of the pictures because he isn’t really sure what to do. The list is endless and I’m just gonna say this NOW, I feel your pain. It’s the constant battle between wanting those cute pictures to go on the wall, that shows just hoooooow funny and harmonious you actually are as a couple and that people will go “awwww you guuuuuys” every time they walk past them vs. Not feeling comfortable in front of a camera at all and not wanting to feel like a fool. 

So, how do we help you to rock that portrait session?

1 – Communication

Communication is key. We make an extra effort to get to know you as a couple. Through casual conversation about interests or work I quickly find out if you are outgoing and confident or a bit more shy and introverted. Why is this important? Because we photograph real people. Not viral Pinterest images. We want to set the scene and mood to fit you and your personalities, so when you look at your images they reflect who you are.

2 – Pick the scene

When talking with couples they often ask about the scenery or location to take the perfect portraits. And let me just start by saying: we can work with literally anything. We don’t need a big beautiful park or a wide open landscape. When that’s said, setting the scene for the portrait session can make a difference for you as a couple. Picking a location you have a connection to, like where you first met, a coffee shop you love, a beach where you grew up – you get the picture – can give you a feeling of security because it’s something you know. Maybe you have no idea or don’t know the area that well. Don’t worry, we love doing research and finding locations, so we’ve got you!

Location: the backyard

3 – It’s a mindset thing

This is completely on you as a couple. If you’ve already had us at your wedding or you’ve joined us for a portrait session you will know that one thing we always say before is: “Prepare your mindset before the session.”. In Danish we have an expression called ‘putting on the yes hat’. The “yes hat” is a mindset where you are making an active decision to be open minded, take it as an experience and go with the flow. So prepare your mind for having fun!

4 – Dress to impress

Well, if it’s your wedding day this goes without saying. But if this is an every day portrait session you might need a bit of help. One thing I need to make clear is, this is not the time for a fancy dress party. You want to be YOU. If that means a white t-shirt and jeans or a beautiful flowy dress, that’s completely up to you. I normally encourage our couples to think of it as going on a date. You want to look like you, but are making that extra effort. If you aren’t sure or don’t feel very inspired, don’t worry, we will help you out! 

Location: Tre Høje, Mols Bjerge

5 – Strike that pose

And here it comes, the thumbs up and awkward faces. Very few people feel super confident in front of a camera. And even people we’ve photographed that live off sharing their face online, actually get shy. So it’s completely normal. “SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT IT?” you might ask. I could talk about this forever but I’ll try to make it short. We adapt to the people we work with. We don’t try to make you do anything and be someone you aren’t. Yes, we use a pun here and there and we might throw in a dad joke to loosen you up, BUT we are all about showing YOU off and giving YOU a nice time! We love the intimate moments and to give you time. Time and space to just be and to breathe.